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In this post, we'll build a simple to-do app using the gRPC protocol, following these steps:

Initialize the Project

1. Start a New Node.js Project

Create a new directory for your project:

$ mkdir todo-grpc

Navigate to the newly created directory and initialize the Node.js project:

$ npm init

This command generates a package.json file. In this file, add the following entry to enable ES6 modules instead of CommonJS:

"type": "module"

2. Install Dependencies

Install the necessary dependencies:

  • @grpc/grpc-js: The gRPC client
  • @grpc/proto-loader: A utility for loading .proto files for gRPC services
$ npm install @grpc/grpc-js @grpc/proto-loader

Here are the exact versions used in this post:

"@grpc/grpc-js": "^1.12.6",
"@grpc/proto-loader": "^0.7.13"

3. Create Required Files

Create the required files for the project:

$ touch todo.proto server.js client.js

Defining the Schema

Let’s start by defining the schema for communication between the server and the client.

In the todo.proto file, create a package called todoPackage and define a service named Todo. This service will expose methods for communication:

  • createTodo: Creates a new to-do item. It accepts a TodoItem (which we'll define later) and returns the created TodoItem.
  • readTodos: Retrieves all to-dos from the server. It takes no parameters and returns a list of TodoItems.
  • readTodosStream: Streams to-dos from the server one by one. This method is more efficient for handling large datasets compared to readTodos, which returns all to-dos in one go.
syntax = "proto3";

package todoPackage;

service Todo {
    // Unary gRPC
    rpc createTodo(TodoItem) returns(TodoItem);
    // Synchronous
    rpc readTodos(NoParams) returns(TodoItems);
    // Server streaming
    rpc readTodosStream(NoParams) returns(stream TodoItem);

We also need to define the types used in the method parameters and return types:

  • NoParams: A method with no parameters.
  • TodoItem: Defines the structure of a single to-do item.
  • TodoItems: Contains a property items, which is a list of TodoItem objects. Lists/arrays are represented using the repeated keyword.
message NoParams {};

message TodoItem {
    int32 id = 1;
    string text = 2;

message TodoItems {
    repeated TodoItem items = 1;

Building the Server

Now, let’s build the server.

First, import the necessary dependencies:

import grpc from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import protoLoader from "@grpc/proto-loader";

Next, load the schema we defined in todo.proto:

const packageDef = protoLoader.loadSync("todo.proto", {});
const grpcObject = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDef);

// Access the defined package using dot notation
const todoPackage = grpcObject.todoPackage;

Create an instance of the gRPC server and add the Todo service:

const server = new grpc.Server();

server.addService(todoPackage.Todo.service, {
  createTodo: createTodo,
  readTodos: readTodos,
  readTodosStream: readTodosStream,

const todos = [];

Next, implement the methods for the Todo service:

// Unary gRPC method
function createTodo(call, callback) {
  const todoItem = {
    id: todos.length,
    text: call.request.text,
  callback(null, todoItem);

// Sync gRPC method
function readTodos(call, callback) {
  callback(null, { items: todos });

// Server streaming gRPC method
function readTodosStream(call) {
  todos.forEach((todo) => {

The todos array acts as in-memory storage for the to-dos.

Key Notes:

  • createTodo method:

    • We access the incoming to-do item via call.request, which is similar to accessing request.body in REST APIs.
    • After saving the to-do in the array, we call the callback with the created item.
  • readTodos method:

    • This method returns all to-dos at once by invoking the callback with the full list.
  • readTodosStream method:

    • We stream each to-do item individually to the client.

Finally, bind the server to a port and start listening:

  () => {
    console.log("Server is listening on port 3000");

Building the Client

The client setup is similar to the server, so we will skip the repeated steps.

import grpc from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import protoLoader from "@grpc/proto-loader";

const packageDef = protoLoader.loadSync("todo.proto", {});
const grpcObject = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDef);

const todoPackage = grpcObject.todoPackage;

Next, create a new instance of the Todo service and specify the server's address and port:

const client = new todoPackage.Todo(

To run the client, execute the following command, passing the to-do text as an argument:

node client.js "Buy some books"

Inside client.js, access the command-line argument:

const text = process.argv[2];

Then, invoke the gRPC methods:

// Unary gRPC method
client.createTodo({ id: -1, text }, (err, res) => {
    create: res,

// Sync gRPC method
client.readTodos({}, (err, res) => {
  res.items.forEach((item) => {

// Server streaming method
const call = client.readTodosStream();
call.on("data", (item) => {
call.on("end", () => console.log("Server done streaming"));

Explanation of Calls:

  • The first call creates a new to-do on the server.
  • The second call retrieves all to-dos from the server.
  • The third call streams to-dos from the server, with event listeners handling incoming data and the end of the stream.

Running the Project

  1. In one terminal, start the server:
node server.js
  1. In another terminal, run the client multiple times with different to-do texts:
node client.js "Buy some books"

That’s it! Thanks for reading!